I would like the following rules to be followed so that we can make this website user friendly and a nice website for everyone to enjoy. Each rule broken has a punishment and are color coded. Green is mild, which you'll get warnings and that is pretty much it. Yellow is a little more serious, which you'll be limited from going into a couple of forums or get a day or two suspension. Red is really bad, which you could get suspended for many weeks, lose a few things on your cat, or even lose your rank or get banned for life. Remember though that all the rules you break can lead to the red zone, so don't think about breaking a bunch of rules in green too many times.
1. Stay around PG rated. For example, when you find a cat you love, you can give a friendly lick and a hug, but dont get really into it if you know what I mean.
2. No cussing. Like I said, I want this to be a PG rated site.
3. No spamming. That is so annoying and people just plain out dont like it, especially me. I really dislike spamming and will not put up with it.
4. No god-modding. It is not fair and usually just makes an argument.
5. Talk ooc (out of character) only in ooc topics (like how to play and discussion) or when necessary with a symbol or something so that we can tell between in character and out of character.
That is all the rules I have at the moment. If I have to add more, I will, which I really don't like doing. I want everyone to have as much freedom as possible.